Afro-fusion singer and actor Tito Da.Fire is set to make his movie debut in the highly anticipated comedy film “Destination Dallas” (Piccolo in Trouble). The movie, produced by Koffi Da.Guru, follows the hilarious journey of Piccolo, a Nigerian who travels to Dallas, Texas, and his struggles to settle into a new society.

Tito Da.Fire joins a talented cast, including Koffi Da.Guru, Femi Brainard, Kogberegbe, Bayo Boy Alinco, Paul Alumona, Tina Chukwuma, and cameo appearances by Comedian Teju Babyface, Jedi, Edo Charles, and Afrobeats singer Jayson.

“I’m thrilled to be a part of this project,” said Tito Da.Fire. “The movie is a hilarious depiction of the Nigerian experience in a foreign land, and I can’t wait for audiences to see it.”

“Destination Dallas” premieres today, July 4, 2024, in Dallas, Texas, and will be available in Nigerian cinemas and on KoffiDaGuru’s Youtube channel.

Tito Da.Fire’s previous credits include “School for Mischief” TV sitcom and “Straight From the Heart” radio drama, which he produced, wrote, and acted in.